Saturday, December 4, 2010

Personal Project

For my personal project: I used a new tool called glogster.

It is set up as a very user-friendlyl user-face that allows you to make online posters. It was pretty slick. You can add in video, images, hyperlinks, texts, and lots of fun designs. Not badly done.

I want to instill a new life-time habit for my students. I want them to look at the world around them. I want them to make observations. I want them to ask questions. I want them to discover answers for themselves.

How I would use this tool in my ideal future classroom: I would assign a project and have the kids use gloster to present their findings in a different format than just a straight paper or poster.

This project could be reading a non-fiction book about an aspect of science. Or a research assignment looking at the chemistry behind a real-life example. (These are literally ENDLESS!)

I want the kids to pick something that interests them. Whether this is something they have heard on the news. Or an example I have brought up in class. Or something that they have always wondered about. This project can be redone throughout the year, or maybe become an extra credit option-> to deal with the topics we are covering in class.

Here's an example of what a student could turn in:

And two fun things my Dad actually found this week...
What happens when you combine every element on the periodic table?

1 comment:

  1. ohhh, I am out of control. Now what? I've made a poster. Is it a one time thing? Do I update it as desired? Make more glogs? You have taught me a lot about technology, but sometimes I need special tutoring. It showed up HUGE on my blog as a link, don't know how to shrink it down. Help!
